What Drives You? The Secrets To Motivating Yourself

Dinesh Kumar
9 min readJun 14, 2021

Perhaps everything thing you can manage for yourself on your excursion of self revelation is to work out what drives you. The initial step is to recognize your qualities as they give the fuel to your inspiration and the drive behind all that you do throughout everyday life. On the off chance that you esteem something you will consistently discover the inspiration and energy to do it. In the event that you don’t esteem something, you will consistently battle to discover the inspiration and energy to do it.


Your qualities are what are imperative to you. They are the expansive ideas that direct your choices throughout everyday life and structure the premise of your character. Your qualities additionally decide how you invest your energy. For instance, if your most significant worth is wellbeing, you will invest your energy uniquely in contrast to somebody whose most significant worth is profession or family.

Qualities additionally drive all your inspiration. You will not seek after a strategy except if it identifies with something you esteem at some level. Distinguishing your qualities permits you to launch your own inspiration, put out objectives that are proper and invest energy on things that are imperative to you.



Dinesh Kumar

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